Request for Criminal Records temporarily unavailable at Laranjeiras Citizen's Shop


From the 15th of May a new phase of works will start in the Laranjeiras Citizen's Store. The shop will continue to operate, but some services will not be available, such as the request or retrieval of a Criminal Records Certificate. 

The Direção-Geral da Administração e Justiça (DGAJ) counter will be temporarily closed. If you need to request or collect in person a Criminal Records Certificate, or any other service from this entity, you should go to one of the following locations:

As an alternative, you can also request the Criminal Records Certificate online.

The remodelling, which includes improvements in terms of air conditioning, indoor air quality and lighting, aims to create a more comfortable, modern and efficient space.

The intervention is part of the Energy Efficiency Programme in Public Administration, with the aim of achieving a 30% increase in efficiency in Public Administration bodies and services. This programme is under the National Programme for Climate Change, which aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

Source:  Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (AMA)