Carry out the habilitation of heirs - Heritage

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When can you carry out the habilitation of heirs - Heritage?

At any time, during opening hours.

Where carry out the habilitation of heirs - Heritage?

What is the Price to carry out the habilitation of heirs - Heritage?


Nota: Ao valor  indicado, custo base do procedimento, acrescem os emolumentos devidos pelas consultas efetuadas a bases de dados dos registos. Não inclui o pagamento de impostos.

Meios de pagamento:

  • Multibanco.

  • Numerário.

  • Cheque visado ou cheque bancário à  ordem  do  IRN, I.P. (em  euros  e  sacado  sobre  conta domiciliada em território nacional).

  • Vale postal, em  euros, a favor do IRN, I.P. 

What is the Deadline to carry out the habilitation of heirs - Heritage?

Before marking the procedure, the services appreciate the request and the documents presented, and make the necessary consultations to confirm the death and the quality of heir.

Based on the analysis carried out, they ask the applicant for the documents that must be presented and mark the day and time for the procedure.

Unless requested by the interested parties, the marking shall be made for the seven working days following the date of the request. In cases of greater complexity, provided for by law, the marking can be done for the next ten working days.

If the documents requested from the parties are not delivered within five working days of the scheduled date, the services may delay the procedure if the postponement proves to be indispensable.

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