Tourist resort on rustic land

Before applying for a permit or making a prior notice to set up a tourist resort on rustic land, you can ask the respective city council for information on the feasibility of such an operation and know what the city planning constraints are.

This request for prior information, provided for in the Legal Scheme of Tourist Resorts, published by Decree-Law 39/2008 of 7 March, is an autonomous and optional procedure, and begins with the completion of a form to be made available soon.

Paper project of tourist enterprise
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The form

It is sent directly to the city council of the intended area, after its completion and submission.

All subsequent processing will take place under the coordination of that city council.

Geometric shapes - circle, square, triangle and rhombus

The request

It promotes a concerted decision mechanism, through the meeting of the committee coordinated by the city council’s president, on the implementation of the investment in the installation of the tourist resort.


This service will be made available after the conclusion of the accession process with the participating city councils.