Portuguese Mineral Resources Cluster
mineral rock


Promote the knowledge and sustainable economic valorisation of mineral resources, boosting the export capacity and the added value of the sector, both through the enhancement of knowledge of the economic potential of resources and the promotion of R&D+I, the improvement of conditions for productive investment and access to markets, and also, through the increase in skills (technical, technological and management) and the incentive of inter-enterprise and inter-institutional cooperation.​​​​​​


  • Consolidate a shared strategy for the sector
  • Promote the creation of value and internationalisation
  • Promote efficiency in the use of resources
  • Empower the cluster agents
  • Reinforce synergies between sectors of activity


Marta Peres
e-mail: marta.peres@clustermineralresources.pt or geral@clustermineralresources.pt
Phone: (+351) 268 891 510