Production Technologies Cluster - PRODUTECH
person writing and working with computer


Strengthen the collective efficiency and strategic intelligence for the expansion, widening and qualification of the Portuguese Production Technology Sector (FTP) in highly dynamic and innovative areas, as well as develop and promote its offer and reputation at national and international level.​​​​​​​


  • Qualify FTP companies and their interaction
  • Promote and attract strategic investments
  • Promote the insertion of the cluster in global networks
  • Enhance the national production of production technologies

Sectoral Agreement for Competitiveness and Internationalisation

Managing Body

Polo das Tecnologias de Produção | PRODUTECH

(Production Technologies Sector)


Fernando Manuel Fernandes de Sousa
Phone: (+351) 226 166 897

Related Links

Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação (IAPMEI) - PRODUTECH 

(Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation)

Clusters de Competitividade 

(Competitiveness Clusters)

Pactos Setoriais para a Competivividade e Internacionalização 

(Sectoral Agreements for Competitiveness and Internationalisation)