COVID-19: isolation is no longer mandatory and sick leave is not paid at 100%


Portugal has no longer been on alert for COVID-19 since September 30. Those who contract the virus no longer have to be isolated or report it to the SNS24. Sick leave due to COVID-19 is now paid for in the same way as for other illnesses.

Given the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, the Government has decided to change the following measures:

  • Isolation is no longer mandatory
  • Communication of a positive case to the SNS24 line is no longer necessary
  • SNS24 will no longer issue requisitions for COVID-19 tests. The screening continues to be reimbursed at 100% only with a medical prescription in a unit of the National Health Service (SNS)
  • Temporary incapacity for work (sick leave) due to COVID-19 and the associated subsidy is now covered by the other illness situations, which only foresees payment of part of the remuneration.

However, the use of a mask is still mandatory in health establishments, nursing homes and residences, and is recommended in places with a large concentration of people.

Source: Government Portal