Over 200 thousand new registrations of the Mobile Digital Key

08.06.2020 |


During the confinement period, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, there were more than 200 thousand new subscribers to the Digital Mobile Key. 

In March, April and May, 247,770 new subscribers to the Digital Mobile Key were registered and in total there are now 1,629,158.

The Digital Mobile Key can be enabled online, using the Citizen Card, PIN code and a smart card reader, or the access credentials to the Portal das Finanças (Finance Portal). 

Through the authentication system, it is possible, in a simple and fast way, to perform online services as a citizen or as a professional, in the various portals that use the Digital Mobile Key as a sign in means.

It should be remembered that the Portuguese Digital Mobile Key was considered by the European Union as a means of electronic identification with the "High" security levell, the highest European security standards.