New financial support for micro and small businesses affected by COVID-19


Two new programmes have been launched to support micro and small enterprises in the trade, catering and cultural activities sectors, (750 million euros) and Apoiar Restauraçã (25 million euros). The applications open on 25 November and the first phase of payments is expected to take place in the first half of December.

The programme is aimed at micro and small enterprises with turnover losses of more than 25% between January and September 2020, with a right to non-repayable compensation of 20% of this loss. The limits are 7500 euros for microenterprises and 40,000 euros for small businesses.

In addition to this programme, an additional sum will be made available specifically for the catering sector, Apoiar Restauraçã, in order to compensate for the losses suffered over the two curfew weekends imposed by the State of Emergency in force (9 to 23 November). This specific support may be combined with the programme.

To make the application:

1st step: registration of the company on the Balcão 2020 website (already available)

Step 2: submit the application on the Balcão 2020 website (from 25 November 2020)

Source: Portal do Governo