Requests for online statement of contribution


As of today, the Social Security  is offering a new online service that allows you to make tax claims

Through the new functionalities, citizens and companies will be able to register requests, consult the history of requests for tax status and their results, manage the entities to which they have given or wish to give consent to consult their tax status, as well as verify the status of requests and the detail of the debt, in the event of an unregulated situation. 

Verification of the authenticity of the declarations will also be made available through the introduction of the code contained in the Declaration. 

After signing in to Segurança Social Direta, click on "conta corrente" and then on "situação contributiva", where you will find the following options:

  • obtain a declaration of tax status
  • consent to public bodies to consult on tax matters
  • verifying the authenticity of the tax contribution declaration.

It also has the possibility of identifying an agent for the management of requests for contributory status, through the menu of Representation Relations.

Source: Portal da Segurança Social