Filing a human trafficking complaint

According to the Portuguese legislation (Article 160 of the Criminal Code), a crime of human trafficking is committed whenever someone offers, delivers, recruits, entices, accepts, transports, harbors, receives anyone:

  • by means of violence, abduction, serious threat, fraudulent ruse or fraudulent maneuver, abuse of authority, exploitation of psychic incapacity or special vulnerability
  • for the purposes of sexual exploitation, labor exploitation, begging, slavery, organ removal, exploitation of other criminal activities, adoption.

Learn how you can file a complaint for human trafficking.

Service channels

Learn where you can carry out the service and what are the advantages of each channel

  • File online

    Free of charge

    At any time

  • Go to the nearest police station or authority office (GNR, PSP, SEF or PJ) or go to Ministério Público

    Free of charge

    At any time

    Search for a point of service near you:

Who can filing a human trafficking complaint?

When can you filing a human trafficking complaint?

As soon as you are aware that the acts or criminal facts have occurred.

What are the documents and requirements to filing a human trafficking complaint?

  • The complaint can be anonymous, so you don’t need to present any identification documents to file it.

    If your documents are withheld or if you don’t have any documents, you can still file the complaint.

What is the price to filing a human trafficking complaint?

It’s free of charge.

If the complaint is filed by phone, it has the cost of a call to a landline or mobile network.

How filing a human trafficking complaint?

If you suspect or have knowledge of one or more human trafficking situations, you can file a complaint to the competent authorities.

At the location:


  • Via Portal do Sistema Queixa Eletrónica
  • Login via ‘Via CTT’ system or fill in your details on the form
  • You then have 48 hours to go to any GNR station, PSP police station or SEF delegation, namely at a Citizen Shop (‘Loja do Cidadão’), to identify yourself in person and confirm the complaint.

By phone:

  • National Republican Guard (GNR): 213 217 000
  • PSP police: 218 111 000
  • The Immigration and Border Service (SEF): 213 189 900 / 213 189 958 | Mobile 24h: 924 190 232 / 964 244 281
  • Polícia Judiciária (PJ): 211 967 000.