Apply for higher education

The application to the national competition of access to higher education is carried out on the Online Application platform of the Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (General-Directorate of Higher Education).

The first phase takes place every year between July and August.

To apply, you shall need an access password and the ENES File of the year you are applying to. Consult the information below to know how to obtain the password and file.

Service channels

  • Apply now
    Through the platform 'Candidatura online'

    Free of charge

    Apply through the 'Apply now' button

Who can apply for higher education?

When can you apply for higher education?

The national access competition has three application phases, which are defined in an annual calendar , published every year in the Diário da República.

What are the documents and requirements to apply for higher education?

  • To apply, you shall need:

    • the ENES file
    • the login on the application platform, using the following methods:
    • access password
    • Citizen Card, PIN codes and card reader.
  • The ENES file

    It is a document issued by the high school, containing the student’s final classification on the secondary education and the classifications obtained on the entrance exams.

    This file also contains an activation code that you must write during the online application. Without this code, you cannot continue the application.

  • Access password to the application platform

    1. You may submit the password request:

    The passwords are valid for a year; therefore it is not possible to use the password of previous years.

    1. After you request the password, you shall receive a confirmation message on the email you indicated on the request form
    2. Confirm the request by clicking on the link you shall receive on the email. The confirmation generates a password request receipt
    3. Print the request receipt and submit on the place indicated on the request: high school or higher education access office. You must submit this receipt to certify your request and receive the password
    4. When your request is certified, you shall automatically receive the password on your email. The password is only sent for the email and may not be received any other way.
  • Citizen card

    To login with the citizen card, you must have with you:

    • your Citizen Card (valid)
    • the authentication PIN of the card (which is provided on the PIN letter sent to your residence when you make your citizen card)
    • a card reader compatible with the card and with the computer used to submit the application.

What is the price to apply for higher education?

It is free of charge.

How apply for higher education?

  1. Access the Online Application platform. The application for higher education may only be carried out online
  2. If you do not have an access password, start by submitting the request. After, you shall have to confirm this request at your school or at a Gabinete de Acesso ao Ensino Superior (GAES) (Higher Education Access Office). After confirming the request, you shall receive the password on the email. The password may be requested from February
  3. If you already have the access password, you may login on the platform and submit your application (during the application period). If in doubt, consult the applicant’s guide and the frequently asked questions.

On the Online Application platform, you may also consult the applications results.