Signing contract with Galp Power

Service channels

When can you signing contract with Galp Power?

  • At the service hours of Galp counters in the network of the citizen's stores or Galp stores.
  • Find out more about the Galp offers, 24h / day, 365 days / year, at site or through the help line 808 503 030, available every working day, from 09:00 to 21:00.

Where signing contract with Galp Power?

  • On site:
    • At the Galp Electricity and Natural Gas branches in the citizen's shop network;
    • In Galp stores.
  • By phone:
    • Through the Galp Eletricidade and Gás Natural service line, 808 503 030 (working days, from 09:00 to 21:00).
    • For more information, check the website or the official Galp website .

What is the Price to signing contract with Galp Power?

  • It is free.

What is the Deadline to signing contract with Galp Power?

  • At the time.