Social Security contributions – Applying for a reduction for hiring the long-term unemployed

Employers entering into an open-ended employment contract with long-term unemployed persons may apply for a 50% reduction in the Social Security contribution rate.

This reduction apples only to the employer’s contribution, and not to the employee’s 11% contribution.

Long-term unemployed

The long-term unemployed are persons who have been registered with the Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (Portuguese Employment and Vocational Training Institute) for 12 months or more.

Having had previously a fixed-term employment contract or having been self-employed for a period of less than 6 months, for a combined duration not exceeding 12 months, would not prevent someone from being regarded as long-term unemployed.

Service channels

  • Online

    Free of charge

    Within 10 days of the start date of the employment contract

  • Search for a point of service near you:

Who can social Security contributions – Applying for a reduction for hiring the long-term unemployed?

When can you social Security contributions – Applying for a reduction for hiring the long-term unemployed?

  • Within 10 days of the start date of the employment contract.

What is the period of reduced contributions for hiring the long-term unemployed?

What are the documents and requirements to social Security contributions – Applying for a reduction for hiring the long-term unemployed?

  • The employer is entitled to the reduction if all of the following conditions are met:

    • the employer is properly constituted and duly registered;
    • it has fulfilled its obligations relating to tax and social security contributions with the Social Security and Tax and Customs Authorities;
    • it is not late in paying wages;
    • it is entering into a full-time or part-time employment contract of indefinite duration with the employee;
    • it has, in the month in which it applies for the reduction, a total number of employees higher than the average number of employees registered in the 12 months immediately before applying.

How social Security contributions – Applying for a reduction for hiring the long-term unemployed?

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