Request the survivor’s pension

It is a monthly instalment in cash, which aims to compensate the family members of the beneficiary for the loss of the work income arising from his/her death.

This pension is assigned if the deceased beneficiary contributed to Social Security for more than 36 months (general scheme) or 72 months if he/she was covered by the Voluntary Social Security scheme, among other conditions.

Service channels

Saiba onde pode realizar o serviço e quais as vantagens de cada canal
  • In the Social Security service counters or at the Citizen Bureaus that provide the service

    Free of charge

    Request the pension within six months of the date of death or disappearance

    Search for a point of service near you:

Who can request the survivor’s pension?

When can you request the survivor’s pension?

You may request the pension at any moment from the date of death or disappearance (if the authorities believe the individual to be dead).


  • if you request it within six months from the month following the death or disappearance, you are entitled to the instalment from that month.
  • if you request it after that period, you are only entitled to it from the month following the request’s delivery.

What are the documents and requirements to request the survivor’s pension?

How request the survivor’s pension?

You can request the survivor’s pension:

  • By mail

If you send the request by mail, you should also send a self-addressed and sealed envelope for Social Security to return the request’s proof document.

You must submit the request, Mod.RP 5075-DGSS, together with the documents indicated.

What is the price to request the survivor’s pension?

It is free.

Qual a duração da pensão de sobrevivência?

Qual o valor da pensão de sobrevivência?

Additional Information