Request the prenatal family allowance

The prenatal family allowance is an instalment in cash, assigned to the pregnant woman from the 13th pregnancy week, which aims to promote motherhood through the compensation of the charges accrued during the pregnancy. 

This instalment is assigned for 6 months, from the month following the 13th pregnancy week or until the time of the birth.

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Who can request the prenatal family allowance?

When can you request the prenatal family allowance?

You may request the prenatal allowance from the 13th pregnancy week or within 6 months from the month following the birth.

In this case, you must request the prenatal family allowance together with the family allowance for children and adolescents. If you do not so within this period, you lose the right to the prenatal family allowance.

Where request the prenatal family allowance?


At Direct Social Security.

On the location

You must submit the request, Mod.RP 5045-DGSS, together with the documents indicated.

What are the documents and requirements to request the prenatal family allowance?

  • To the prenatal allowance are entitled the pregnant women:

    • who already reached the 13th pregnancy week
    • who reside in Portugal or are compared to residents
    • whose household:

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