Request the extended parental allowance

It is an allowance assigned  to the mother, or father, or both alternatively, for the childcare of a child integrated on the household, for a period up to three months.

Service channels

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  • Request now

    Free of charge

    The request should be submitted within six months from the first day of the impediment to work
  • Free of charge

    The request should be submitted within six months from the first day of the impediment to work

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Who can request the extended parental allowance?

When can you request the extended parental allowance?

The allowance must be requested within six months from the first day of unemployment.

What are the documents and requirements to request the extended parental allowance?

How request the extended parental allowance?



On the location

On the location, submitting the Request - Parental Allowance/Extended Parental Allowance, Model RP 5049-DGSS, and the documents indicated:

Additional information

Practical guides