Abertas as candidaturas aos programas que apoiam a Transição Digital das Empresas


Applications are now open for the measures Vouchers for Startups - New Green and Digital Products and Vouchers for Incubators and Accelerators. Both programs are part of Component 16 - Companies 4.0 of the PRR.

Startups that have been created less than 10 years ago as Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) can apply for the Vouchers for Startups - New Green and Digital Products. And the Vouchers for Incubators and Accelerators measure can be applied for by non-business entities, companies and associations that are included in the "Empresas 4.0" Incentive System Regulation.

Tenders will remain open until the budget defined in the Notice for each measure is reached. The application form will be available from November 30 on the IAPMEI - Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation website.

Source: IAPMEI Portal