Government creates Qualifica Industry Program


A new program to support training in the industrial sector has been launched to promote job retention and prevent the risk of unemployment in companies with a drop in turnover of 25% or more in a quarter.

The Qualifica Indústria Program is aimed at micro, small and medium-sized companies. It supports the qualification and re-qualification of workers, helping to improve the productivity and competitiveness of companies and the economy.

The financial support is intended to help with training costs and workers' salaries.
In order to access the program, companies must meet certain requirements, including having their Social Security and Finance situation in order, not having overdue wages and not having made redundancies in the last three months.

The Employment and Vocational Training Institute (IEFP) is the entity responsible for issuing notices to open applications for the program, which can cover a maximum of 100 workers per company.

The program is scheduled to last until December 31, 2024 and covers all factories, starting with the textile and footwear sector.

Source: Government portal