New online justice services


The following services for citizens are now available online at

  • Alteration of the form of presentation and signature of procedural documents submitted by representatives through the information system supporting the activity of the judicial courts (Citius);
  • Possibility of submitting, by the representatives and in processes of both jurisdictions, electronic documents in multimedia format (video, audio and photo);
  • Practice of procedural acts by electronic means by representatives before judicial administrators and vice versa, in the scope of proceedings regulated by the Insolvency and Corporate Recovery Code;
  • Possibility for representatives to consult, by electronic means, cases in which they do not exercise the judicial mandate;
  • Possibility of consultation of judicial proceedings by the citizen and presentation of requests for issuance of an electronic judicial certificate and consultation of status of such requests, on computers in the courts, through a code issued by judicial secretariats, wavering the authentication mechanisms associated with the Citizen Card;
  • Possibility of electronic consultation, by citizens, of judicial proceedings in which, not being a party, they have an interest recognized by the court;
  • Transmission to the applicant of the electronic judicial certificate of the respective unique access code at the time of submission of the application, which allows monitoring the status of application, as well as access to the certificate once issued.   

The new portal of Information System for Justice Statistics is also available. It allows consulting and researching statistical information in the area of Justice, including that relating to the courts, alternative dispute resolution methods, prisons and social reintegration, registries and notaries and criminality registered by police authorities.

This new portal contains new features: 

  • graphical and more user-friendly presentation of information
  • data search tool
  • full availability, for the first time, of information in English
  • faster data update
  • modernization, technological alignment and optimization of resources 

Source: Justice Portal