Nationality requests with reinforced service until 31 August


Due to the increase in nationality requests, the Institute of Registration and Notary Affairs (IRN) will reinforce its services with more service points in Lisbon and Porto, including rapid service counters. Some counters will also work extended hours. These measures will be in place until 31 August.

The new service points are:

Central Registry Office - 13 branches will be available with extended opening hours from 8am to 6pm, 3 of which will operate between 8am and 8pm as fast service counters
Lisbon Civil Registry Office - 4 branches available from 9am to 4pm, 3 of which are for quick service
Porto Central Archive - 3 rapid service counters available from 9am to 4pm.
The attendance at these counters will be done through passwords. Scheduled appointments will remain unchanged.

The fast service counters are more directed to professionals, such as lawyers and solicitors, and allow the application for nationality and the delivery of documents on paper. However, anyone can go to one of these counters.

The measures will be reassessed in early September.

Source: Portal do Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado