Platform of online bookings for services available on ePortugal


Starting today, there is a platform for online scheduling of services related with Finances, Cartão de Cidadão (Citizen Card) and passport.

Through the platform, it is possible to schedule in-person Tax Authority (Finances) services, such as IRS, stamp duty or IMI. For these services (identified with the symbol Símbolo da autenticação - É preciso autenticação com Cartão de Cidadão ou Chave Móvel Digital para os serviços assinalados com este símbolo), it is necessary to register with the Chave Móvel Digital (Digital Mobile Key) or Cartão de Cidadão to schedule your appointment.

It is also possible to schedule the renewal of the Cartão de Cidadão or passport application, services provided by the Institute of Registration and Notary (Justice). In this case, authentication is not required.

Learn more on how to schedule your in-person appointment through the online platform.