Social Security website has three new simulators


The Portal da Segurança Social (Social Security portal) provides three new simulators that help workers to calculate the benefits they may receive in the framework of the extraordinary support created during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Calculation of the Resources Condition simulates the value of the average household income in order to assess the conditions of access to Extraordinary Income Support for Workers. For this calculation it is necessary to insert the data of the entire household as well as the sum of the incomes of all family members.

The Layoff simulator calculates the amounts paid by the employer and Social Security.

On the Progressive Recovery Support simulator you can calculate the amounts of compensation supported by the employer and the amounts that will be paid by Social Security.

The three simulators are available on the Social Security portal, through the Simulations > COVID 19 menu.

Source: Portal da Segurança Social (Social Security Portal)