Vale cirurgia passa a ser digital


The surgery voucher, which allows users to choose the hospital where they want to be operated on if the National Health Service (SNS) doesn't respond in time, will now be sent by email. The hospital can be private, but it must have an agreement with the SNS.

At the time of registering for surgery, when the user indicates and confirms their e-mail contact, the contact is available in the Integrated Surgical List Management System (SIGLIC). In cases where the hospital is unable to respond in time to carry out the surgery, the surgery voucher and all the associated documentation will be sent to the user's e-mail address. 

If the user doesn't have an e-mail address registered in the respective field or the contact details are incorrect, the Integrated Surgical List Management System will send the voucher by post. 

In a second phase of the measure's implementation, the voucher will also be available through the personal area of the SNS 24 portal or on the SNS 24 mobile app.

This is a SIMPLEX measure within the scope of the Digital Transition - "Improving access to the SNS and institutional response".

Source: SNS Portal