Contrastaria - Apply for a professional title

This service is used to apply for a professional title if you have already taken and passed the examination. This title is essential if you wish to practise the following professions:

  • Valuer of precious metal articles and gemmological materials
  • Precious metal article assayer-melter technical manager
  • Rough diamond expert / classifier / valuer.

Service channels

Learn where you can carry out the service
  • Apply online
    How to apply for a professional title

    For valuer and technical manager: EUR 50.30 / For expert: EUR 35

Who can Contrastaria - Apply for a professional title ?

What is the Price to Contrastaria - Apply for a professional title ?

Issue of professional title

  • For valuer and technical manager: EUR 50.30
  • For expert: EUR 35

How can you Contrastaria - Apply for a professional title ?

You should apply using the form once you have completed the exam.

The Assay Office will issue a decision on your request within 20 days.

What is the support legislation?

Grounds for refusal

Ways of challenging a decision / Complaints to the Ombudsman


Who to contact