Balcão do Arrendamento and Balcão de Injunções with online service for scheduling appointments


An online service is available to schedule service for those who need to deal with issues related to processes at the Balcão do Arrendamento (BNA) or Balcão de Injunções (BNI).

To schedule an appointment, you will need to fill in a form, where you must provide the following information:

  • type of service (video call, telephone or face-to-face)
  • name
  • identification (Citizen Card, Identity Document, passport or residence permit)
  • contacts (telephone and email)
  • whether you are a lawyer or not
  • the municipality of residence
  • the case number, if the service is about a case you have in court
  • the matter you need to deal with in court (National Rental Desk or National Injunctions Desk).

After completing and sending the form, the court will contact you to inform you of the date and time of the service.

Source: DGAJ