ePortugal distinguished as "Best Public Administration’s Digital Project"

25.10.2019 | AMA

AMA - Agência para a Modernização Administrativa, IP [Administrative Modernization Agency] received the award of "Best Public Administration’s Digital Project", awarded by ACEPI - Associação da Economia Digital (ACEPI - Digital Economy Association), for the work done in development of the ePortugal portal.

The distinction was awarded by ACEPI, within the scope of the Navegantes XXI awards, which seek to reward the best of Digital Economy in Portugal.

Launched in February of this year, the ePortugal portal has around 90 thousand registered users and comprises more than 2 thousand services, which ease the relationship of citizens and companies with public administration services.

Through ePortugal, more than 137 thousand changes of address, 50 thousand Citizen Card renewals and 50 thousand requests for licenses for economic activities have already been carried out.