Cluster of Footwear and Fashion


Promote the densification, qualification and rejuvenation of the cluster, strengthening the ties between the current members and attracting new companies and institutions, boosting collective efficiency actions that promote innovation and internationalisation and promoting the image of the cluster, its members and Portuguese footwear.


  • Consolidate a common strategy for the sector
  • Strengthening the competitiveness of the cluster
  • Increasing added value
  • Expand the incorporation of fashion into the offer
  • Adequately remunerate the production factors​​​

Managing Body

Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Calçado, Componentes, Artigos de Pele e seus Sucedâneos (APICCAPS) 

(Portuguese Association of Footwear Manufacturers, Components, Leather Goods and their Substitutes)


Manuel Carlos Costa da Silva
Phone: (+351) 225 074 150

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