Mergulho recreativo - reconhecimento de qualificações profissionais (anterior a 2007)

It allows a diver or instructor who has lost the National Title Diving (TNM) and that does not have international certificate (card) in a training system recognized in Portugal or a diver or instructor who obtained training in national territory before the entry of Decree-Law No. 16/2007 of 22 January, in a diving system not recognized in Portugal under Law No. 24/2013, of March 20, requesting the Certificate of Qualifications of Recreational Diving (CQMR ).
Accordingly to the legislative review resulting from the implementation of the Services Directive, the contents of this page and the form can be updated under the suggestion of the competent entity.

Procedure and requirements



  • O Certificado de Qualificações de Mergulho Recreativo (CQMR) é solicitado ao Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, através do preenchimento de um formulário, clicando depois no botão “Guardar e enviar formulário”.


  • O prestador deve depois anexar os documentos necessários e enviá-los por e-mail.

  • O Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude emite a sua decisão no prazo de 30 dias.

Competent Entity

Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude

Address: Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca n.º 55 1250-190 LISBOA

Phone number: 21 047 00 00

Fax: 21 047 00 20

Email address:

Web url:

Operation hours

  • Dias úteis das 09:00h às 18:00h.