Identifying and registering properties in the Balcão Único do Prédio (Single Property Counter)

The Single Property Counter (Balcão Único do Prédio - BUPi) allows people owning rural and mixed properties to geo-reference and register their properties free of charge.

Only registration guarantees rights over property and is mandatory for most acts involving the transfer of ownership or a land structuring operation, namely when one wants to buy or sell a plot of land.

Service channels

Register and identify now

  • Register and identify now

    Access and authenticate yourself with the Citizen Card or the Mobile Digital Key

    You must have with you your Citizen Card and the Caderneta Predial (land registry book) with the matrix number

  • Go to the BUPi counter of the Town Hall in the municipality where the property is located

    You must have with you your Citizen Card and the Caderneta Predial (land registry book) with the matrix number

    Search for a point of service near you:

Who can identify and register properties at Balcão Único do Prédio?

What are rural and mixed properties?

Prédio rústico

Entende-se por prédio rústico uma parte delimitada do solo e as construções nele existentes que não tenham autonomia económica (terreno que tenha por destino uma utilização geradora de rendimentos agrícolas ou silvícolas, ou que esteja diretamente afeto à produção de rendimentos desse tipo).

Prédio misto

Prédio composto por uma parte rústica e uma parte urbana (imóvel edificado, com os terrenos que lhe sirvam de logradouro, ou terreno destinado à construção).

What are the documents and requirements to Identify and register properties at the Balcão Único do Prédio?

To access the BUPi online you need to authenticate yourself with:

To identify and register properties on BUPi online or over the counter, you need:

  • Citizen Card
  • Caderneta Predial
  • file with GPS coordinates (optional)
  • document proving that you are the owner of the property, such as, for example, the deed of purchase and sale.

If you don't have a document that proves that you are the owner of the property, you can fill in this form and deliver it when registering the property on the BUPi. In the form you should indicate the following people:

  • Applicant - the person who makes the request for the form. This can be the person themselves or someone who represents them, such as a lawyer.
  • Justificant - who wants the ownership of the property recognised. The person him/herself.
  • Declarant - who is a witness.

What is the Price to Identify and register properties at the Balcão Único do Prédio?

Property registration is free until 23 August 2023 for municipalities that have a geometric cadastre of rural property and for the 10 municipalities that joined the BUPi pilot project. 

For the remaining municipalities, it is free for 4 years from the date the municipality joins the BUPi. Find out when this free offer will end in

How to identify and register properties at the Balcão Único do Prédio?

BUPi online:

  1. To georeference your property online, you must have with you your Citizen's Card and the Caderneta Predial with the matrix number
  2. Access and authenticate yourself with the Citizen Card or the Mobile Digital Key
  3. Then fill in a short form and locate your property on the map in the BUPi platform. If you prefer, you can upload a file with the GPS coordinates of the property
  4. Sign the term of responsibility that is generated by the platform and submit on the BUPi platform
  5. Wait for the validation of the sketch created in the platform by the Qualified Technician of the municipality where your property is located Consult the BUPI platform to monitor the validation status.
  6. After validation of the draft:
  • if the property is registered in the Land Registry, the georeferencing process is automatically completed in the BUPi
  • if the building is not registered at the Land Registry, go to a Land Registry to make the registration. The Land Registry will already have the BUPi information about the geo-referencing of your property. Take with you your Citizen Card, Caderneta Predial and a document that proves that you are the owner of the property, such as, for example, the deed of purchase and sale.

BUPi counter at the Town Hall:

  1. Go to the BUPi counter of the Town Hall of the municipality where the property is located (make sure the municipality has already joined the BUPi), taking with you your Citizen's Card and the Caderneta Predial with the matrix number of the property to be georeferenced. You can also indicate the number of the land registry and the NIF so that the technician can consult the Caderneta Predial on the Finance Portal. If you have already done a previous topographic survey, you should take the file with the GPS coordinates with you
  2. Then, together with the Qualified Technician, identify your property on the map in the BUPi platform
  3. Next, sign the term of responsibility and:
  • if the building is registered in the Land Registry, the georeferencing process is automatically completed in the BUPi
  • if the building is not registered in the Land Registry, go to a Land Registry to make the registration. The Land Registry will already have the BUPi information about the geo-referencing of your property. Take with you your Citizen Card, Caderneta Predial and a document that proves that you are the owner of the property, such as, for example, the deed of purchase and sale.

Using the BUPi App for land delimitation

The BUPi App helps property owners to delimit their land. After marking the boundaries of the land on the BUPi app, the owner can share the KML file generated by the application on the BUPi online platform or with the Municipality's licensed technician.

The BUPi application does not allow the georeferencing (RGG) nor the registration of the land.

How to delimit land using the app

  1. Download the BUPi application for Android or iOS
  2. In the app, the location is done using GPS. With the app installed on your mobile device, go to the land you wish to identify and mark the vertices of the property, as indicated in the app
  3. Enter the land data:
    • Land name
    • Matrix
    • NIF of the owner (automatically validated by the application)
    • Description
  4. Share the information through the application, in KML format, through the automatically generated email with the coordinates and property information.

Learn more about the app on the BUPi page.


What is the support legislation?