Register at the health centre

Register at the health centre by providing your user number. Give preference to the health centre in your area of residence.

The National Health Service's health centres provide appointments, family medicine, nursing care and local services: nutrition, psychology, oral health and social assistant.

Service channels

Learn where you can carry out the service and what are the advantages of each channel

  • Gratuito

  • To register at the health centre, you need a user number

    Free of charge

    Search for a point of service near you:

Who can register at the health centre?

Where register at the health centre?

What are the documents and requirements to register at the health centre?

    • Citizen Card or residence permit + tax identification number
    • proof of the health benefits to which you are entitled (e.g. exemptions and contributions).

What is the Price to register at the health centre?

  • The registry with the health centre is free of charge.

How register at the health centre?

To register at the health centre, you need a user number.

With your user number, go to the health centre, preferably the one in your area of residence, with the following documents:

  • Citizen Card or residence permit + tax identification number
  • proof of the health benefits to which you are entitled (e.g. exemptions and contributions).

If you do not know which health centre is in your area of residence, call the SNS 24 Contact Centre - (+351) 808 24 24 24.

Temporary registration at another health center

If you are living in another county for school, work or other reasons, and you need health care, you can temporarily register in another health center for up to 12 months. Enrollment in the original health center is temporarily suspended and automatically resumed after this period.

For more information, please contact directly the health center where you want to do temporary enrollment.

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