Social Security Contributions – Paying for persons covered by Voluntary Social Insurance

Persons covered by voluntary social insurance are normally responsible for paying their own social security contributions.

Failure to pay contributions may have several consequences, such as not being entitled to social benefits.

Social security contributions must therefore be paid every month by the deadline stipulated.

Service channels

  • Online

    No queues

    Free of charge

    By the 20th day of the month following the month to which the payment relates

  • Free of charge

    By the 20th day of the month following the month to which the payment relates

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Who can social Security Contributions – Paying for persons covered by Voluntary Social Insurance?

When can you social Security Contributions – Paying for persons covered by Voluntary Social Insurance?

By the 20th day of every month.

This payment relates to contributions for the previous month.

How social Security Contributions – Paying for persons covered by Voluntary Social Insurance?

You can pay in one of the following ways:

More information on how to pay can be found on the Social Security website.