Alojamento local - alteração de dados

Permite comunicar a alteração dos dados constantes do registo.

O titular da exploração do estabelecimento é obrigado a manter atualizados todos os dados comunicados, relativos ao estabelecimento e alojamento local, devendo a atualização ser realizada no prazo de 10 dias a contar da ocorrência de qualquer alteração.

Service channels

  • Online

    To perform this service you need to login with one of the following means:

    Before clicking on the "Perform service" button, first select the district and municipality where your business is located to find out more about the service.


    Authentication issues with Digital Mobile Key

    If you have problems accessing the form during the authentication process, we suggest authenticating directly on the portal and then accessing the service.

What is your business’s location?

The information regarding this service depends on the place where you are going to perform it.