Importação e exportação de diamantes em bruto - comunicação de alterações


Reporting  of the appointment or replacement of directors or managers, business name,  constitutional documents as fiscal domicile  of a licensee operator on import export of rough diamonds activity, under the certification system of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS)

Service channels

Procedure and requirements




1- The communication is submitted to the Directorate General for Economic Activities (DGAE), at the single point of contact (Balcão do Empreendedor) or, when such services are unavailable, by email or other means legally admissible;

2 - DGAE analyses the process and if it is regularly supported, issues the endorsement of the license within five working days;

3 - If the process is not regularly supported, DGAE shall notify the applicant to submit the missing elements within 10 (ten) working days;

4 - Once the elements are received, the process proceeds to point 2.



Legislation, refusals, contests, claims



Reasons for refusal


Means of opposition/Complaint to the Ombudsman


Competent Entity

Direção-Geral das Atividades Económicas

Address: Avenida Visconde de Valmor n.º 72 1069-041 Lisboa

Phone number: 217 919 100

Email address:

Web url:

Operation hours

  • Dias úteis das 09:00h às 13:00h.
  • Dias úteis das 14:00h às 18:00h.