Citizen Card’s online renewal for 25 years old or older individuals

24.06.2019 | AMA

The individuals who are 25 years old or older may now renew the Citizen Card online.

To carry out this service, through the ePortugal portal, you must have a Digital Mobile Key or the Citizen Card and a smart card reader (with the correspondent PIN and software).

The online renewal is available in the case of Citizen Cards which were requested until the end of September 2017 and issued with an original validity of five years. It is possible to carry out the service within 30 days after the card’s date of validity.

It is still possible to request, online, a duplicate of the Citizen Card due to loss, destruction, robbery or theft. In such cases, the new card maintains the validity of the card to be replaced.

To learn more, you must consult the page Renew the Citizen Card at the ePortugal portal.