Subscribe to the Electronic Notifications

The subscription to the Electronic Notifications platform, available to citizens and business representatives, makes it possible to receive notifications sent by public entities adhering to this service.

Service channels

Learn where you can carry out the service and what are the advantages of each channel

  • Subscribe now

    At any time

    It is free of charge

    This service can be done with video call support. Click on the "Support" button on the right side of the page and schedule

    Available on app

    Também pode aderir e aceder às Notificações Eletrónicas através de aplicação móvel.

Who can subscribe to the Electronic Notifications?

What are the documents and requirements to subscribe to the Electronic Notifications?

  • To subscribe as a citizen you will need:

    • internet access
    • an e-mail address
    • Citizen Card, its PINs and card reader or active Digital Mobile Key.
  • To join as a representative of a company you will need:

What is the price to subscribe to the Electronic Notifications?

It is free of charge.

Participating bodies and services

What is the support legislation?