Confirm the address change on the Citizen Card

The confirmation completes the process of changing the address of your Portuguese Citizen Card. 

You must confirm the change of address once you have received the confirmation letter and within the time limit indicated on it.

Service channels

Learn where you can carry out the service and what are the advantages of each channel

  • Online

    Authenticate yourself with CMD or Citizen Card

    Free of charge

    Only after confirming the change of address, the address is changed in the Citizen's Card

    This service can be done with video call support. Click on the "Support" button on the right side of the page and schedule

  • Take with you the Citizen's Card and the letter confirming the change of address

    Free of charge

    Click on the "Search" button to find a Citizen Spot near you

Who can confirm the address change on the Citizen Card?

When can you Confirm the address change on the Citizen Card?

The confirmation of the address change must be carried out after the reception of the confirmation letter, and within the deadline indicated therein.

This letter is sent after the request of address change has been submitted and must arrive within five business days. If the letter is sent abroad, to the Azores or Madeira, it may take some more days to arrive.

After the deadline indicated in the letter, you will not be able to confirm the new address and will have to make a new request.

What are the documents and requirements to Confirm the address change on the Citizen Card?

  • Online

    You will need to authenticate yourself on the ePortugal portal with the Digital Mobile Key or the Citizen Card and have with you the letter of address change confirmation.

    At a service desk

    You will need to take with you the Citizen Card and the letter of address change confirmation.


How can you Confirm the address change on the Citizen Card?

After receiving the confirmation letter at the new address, you should confirm the address change process in the Citizen Card.

You can confirm your change of address online at this portal. If you prefer, you can go to a Citizen Spot or a counter of the Institute of Registries and Notaries (IRN).

To confirm the change of address online:

  1. insert the Citizen Card on the card reader
  2. access the application autenticaçã for desktop
  3. click on the “Card” tab and then on the “Address” tab
  4. insert the PIN code of the address (present on the PIN letter you’ve received when you made the Citizen Card)
  5. click on “Confirm”
  6. insert the change process number and the address confirmation code (present on the PIN letter you’ve received after requesting the address change)
  7. insert the authentication code (present on the PIN letter you’ve received when you requested the Citizen Card).

If the letter says that the confirmation is done on the ePortugal portal, follow these steps (for change of address requests made after 28/12/2022):

  1. Access the change of address confirmation service
  2. Authenticate yourself with your Digital Mobile Key or Citizen Card
  3. Verify the case number and address and click next. (in case the address is not correct, you will have to make a new request for change of address)
  4. Enter the address confirmation code (it is on the confirmation letter you received after requesting the address change). If you are confirming the address for another person, you will need to enter that person's details, case number and confirmation code

After confirmation, check that the process was successfully completed and that the address appears updated.

If you do not receive the confirmation letter, you should contact the competent services, by calling 210 990 111 (working days, from 9am to 6pm) or by e-mailing

To confirm the address in person, go to a:

Only after you confirm the change of address does the address actually change in the Citizen Card. The new address is then communicated to Social Security, Tax Authority, Health, Registration and voter registration (place to vote), among other public entities.

What is the Price to Confirm the address change on the Citizen Card?

​​​​​​​The address change’s confirmation is free of charge.

What is the deadline for the confirmation of the new address on the Citizen's Card?

The deadline for confirming the change of address of the Citizen Card is 90 days. 

You can see the exact deadline in the letter you received with the address change confirmation code. 

If you lost or did not receive the change of address confirmation letter, you should request a duplicate of the letter.

Contacts for support

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