Espaço Cidadão da Moita - Baixa da Banheira - Balcão Câmara Municipal da Moita


Rua Jaime Cortesão, n.º 33
2835-129 Baixa da Banheira
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Business hours

Dias úteis das 9h às 12h30 e das 14h às 17h. Os serviços que envolvem pagamentos funcionam até às 16h.
Encerrado no feriado municipal da Moita, 10 de setembro em 2019.
Agendar atendimento na Segurança Social
Alterar dados pessoais na Segurança Social
Consultar a situação contributiva
Consult the contributions made annually and the use you have already made of ADSE
Consult the expenses with providers in accordance with ADSE
Consult the limits of use of ADSE
Obtain information about the extended leave adoption allowance
Obtain information about the father's initial parental allowance
Obtain information about the father's initial parental social allowance
Obtain information on the initial parental allowance of a parent in case of impossibility of the other
Obtain information on the initial parental social allowance of a parent in case of impossibility of the other
Obter declaração de situação do subsídio de desemprego
Obter informações sobre o subsídio de doença
Renewing the European Health Insurance Card
Replace the driving license
Request a criminal record certificate of an individual
Request a driving license duplicate
Request an increase of the allowance for single-parent families
Request the adoption allowance
Request the compensation for clinical risk during the pregnancy
Request the European Health Insurance Card
Request the extended parental allowance
Request the family allowance for children and adolescents
Request the issuance of Obstinacy Declaration
Request the old-age pension
Request the old-age social pension
Request the prenatal family allowance
Request the reimbursement of health expenses from ADSE
Request the social adoption allowance
Request the social compensation for clinical risk during the pregnancy
Request the social grant due to termination of pregnancy
Request the termination of pregnancy grant
Revalidate the driving license
Submit the contributions to ADSE
Subsídio para assistência a filho
Subsídio para assistência a neto
Subsídio por riscos específicos
Subsídio Social por riscos específicos